Cancer: Self-medication could lead to drug dependency. Always seek a physician's advice before taking any medication to avoid this risk. Today, consider taking your family members out for a get-together, even if it means spending a lot of money. Help your brother keep things under control, and try to resolve conflicts amicably without unnecessary escalation. You might face disappointment if a planned date falls through. At work, you are likely to succeed if you present your ideas well and show determination and enthusiasm. Despite your busy schedule, you'll find time to spend with your children, which will help you realize what you've been missing. Your married life might be affected by family issues today, but you and your spouse will manage to handle things wisely. As a remedy, respect elderly persons and seniors, and honor gurus, teachers, scholars, and acharyas for excellent health.

  • Lucky Color: Maroon
  • Lucky Time: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM