Bargarh: Two hardcore Maoists surrendered before police in Odisha's Bargarh district, today. They have been identified as Amila alias Paro alias Puja Tati, aged 35, and Raghu alias Saitu Padam, aged 31. The two hail from Chhattisgarh.

As per police sources, both were Area Committee Members of the banned CPI (Maoist) outfit and active in the Gandhamardan Reserve Forest area for several years.

Amila, who also served as the Platoon Commander of the Baragarh Local Organizing Squad, was involved in expanding Maoist activities in Bargarh and Bolangir districts since 2010. She was carrying a cash reward of ₹4 lakhs on her head. Raghu, similarly, was involved in the Maoist expansion since 2012 and had a bounty of ₹3 lakhs.

The police described the surrender as a severe blow to Maoist operations in the Gandhamardan area. The cadres reportedly surrendered after realizing the outfit's shift from its ideological goals to activities like extortion and attacks on civilians and security personnel.

They also disclosed ongoing physical, psychological, and sexual harassment faced by women cadres within the Maoist ranks, particularly those from Chhattisgarh.

Both Amila and Raghu have been involved in several heinous crimes, including the murders of Raj Kishore Panda and Krushna Punji in 2011, and Bijay Sahoo in 2018. They also participated in multiple exchanges of fire with police forces over the years.

Police welcomed their return to mainstream society, promising rehabilitation under the government's existing Surrender and Rehabilitation policy.