Boudh: A team of Special Task Force along with forest personnel arrested two persons for allegedly trading wildlife products and seized two live pangolin from their possession in Boudh district of Odisha on Wednesday evening. The accused, identified as Ucchab Kanhar and Prasant Kumar Behera of of Baghiapada in the district, were nabbed near Boudh bypass road after the STF team along with forest officials raided the area after getting reliable tip-off about the wildlife trade.
During search, two live pangolin weighing 13kg and 10kg respectively along with other incriminating materials were recovered from their possession and the duo arrested after they could not produce any authority in support of possession of the endangered species. They were booked under Sections 379/411/120(B) of the IPC and Section Section 51 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 and will be produced in court. The live pangolin, official sources said, have been handed over to DFO Boudh for safe custody. Investigation is underway, they said.
The Indian pangolin (Maniscrassicaudata), also called thick-tailed pangolin, scaly anteater and 'bajrakapta' in Odia is a slow moving, shy, solitary, noctural mammal. It is protected under Schedule-1 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Schedule-1 provides absolute protection and offences under these are prescribed for the highest penalties.