Libra: Today is a special day, as your good health will empower you to accomplish something remarkable. New sources of income are likely to emerge through people in your network. Take pleasure in the company of guests and plan something memorable with your relatives—they will truly appreciate your efforts. A heartfelt message or communication from your beloved or spouse will uplift your spirits and boost your morale. Be mindful of your dominating tendencies at work, as they could invite criticism from colleagues. As someone who often feels drained by social interactions, you’ll find today especially rewarding, as you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy your own company and recharge. Your spouse will express their love and appreciation with kind, meaningful words, reminding you of your importance in their life. Remedy: To enhance your career, offer water mixed with rice and milk to the Moon.
Lucky Colour: Silver.
Auspicious Time: 4.30 pm to 6 pm.