Pisces: Your sense of humor is your greatest asset—use it to lift your spirits and improve your health. If you've borrowed money, be prepared to repay it, as failing to do so could impact your financial situation. Spend the evening with friends to refresh your mind and spirits. You’ll be in a romantic mood today, so make special plans with your partner to cherish the time together. Business owners should be cautious about sharing sensitive details about their plans, as doing so could lead to complications. For some, an unexpected trip might turn out to be more stressful than anticipated. If you've been feeling unlucky for a while, today marks the turning point where you'll start to feel truly blessed. Remedy: Show kindness to lepers, and those who are visually or physically challenged, by sharing multi-colored fabrics with them. This will help accelerate your professional growth.
Lucky Colour: Deep Red.
Auspicious Time: 6 pm to 7 pm.