Scorpio: A friend might challenge your open-mindedness and tolerance today. It's important to stay true to your values and approach every decision with rationality. Consider seeking financial advice from the elders in your family, which could be beneficial for managing your finances and savings. You may struggle to keep your emotions in check, but avoid nagging those around you, or you risk pushing them away. Your partner's love will be evident today, making it a beautiful day filled with affection. When negotiating a major business deal, it's crucial to keep your emotions under control. Address any lingering issues in your life by taking the first step today with a positive mindset. There's a possibility that the love between you and your spouse could diminish; open communication is key to resolving differences and preventing things from getting worse. Remedy: Toss a bronze coin with a hole into water to increase the happiness of your family members.
Lucky Colour: Blue.
Auspicious Time: 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.