Paradip: In a shocking incident, a student of IIIT-Bhubaneswar drowned in the sea at the river mouth near Nehru bungalow in Odisha’s Paradip today while another has been rescued.

The deceased student has been identified as Himanshu Rathore of Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh.

According to reports, over 40 students of IIIT-Bhubaneswar had come to Paradip today for picnic.

While others were busy picnicking at the Nehru Bungalow, two students Srinath Ghosh of Durgapur in West Bengal and Himanshu Rathore had gone to take a bath in the sea when they were swept away by tides.

Locals who noticed them being swept away in the sea could only rescue Srinath while Himanshu remained untraceable.

Later, Marine Police Station personnel fished out Himanshu from the sea in unconscious state and he was rushed to the Biju Memorial Hospital where attending doctors declared him ‘brought dead’.