Mumbai: Actor Sanjay Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor is all set to make her acting debut in July. She will be launched by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions. Johar tweeted the news on Monday.
Details of her debut film have been kept under wraps till now.
"Another beautiful addition to our growing @dcatalent family! Welcome to the #DCASquad, @shanayakapoor. Her enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence is so amazing to see. Join us in showering your love & blessings as she begins her first film with @DharmaMovies, this July! Watch this space for the film details!" Johar wrote on Twitter.
Confirming the news, Sanjay Kapoor shared on Instagram: "With her unabashed enthusiasm, resilience & sparkle - My daughter is all set to take over your screens soon. Give her your love & blessings as she is ready to start the journey of her FIRST FILM with @Dharmamovies this July. Watch out for the announcement of the film! #DCASquad."
Shanaya is producer Boney Kapoor and veteran actor Anil Kapoor's niece, and first cousin of actors Sonam Kapoor, Harshvardhan Kapoor, and Janhvi Kapoor.