Scorpio: Take some time to unwind in the evening. Be prepared for a creditor to approach you, seeking repayment of a loan. While you will settle the debt, this could exacerbate your financial challenges. It's advisable to refrain from borrowing to avoid further complications. Tensions within the family might disturb you; addressing these issues through communication is essential. Anticipation of meeting a long-lost friend might make your heart race with excitement. Businessmen can expect unexpected profits today. Focus on controlling your mind and avoiding distractions, as your lack of concentration could lead to time wastage. Be cautious, as today your partner's romantic gestures may reach extraordinary heights.
Lucky Colour: Sea Green.
Auspicious Time: 10 am to 2 pm.
Remedy: Offer milk to a banyan or neem tree and apply a tilak made from the soil of the tree on your forehead. This ritual is believed to enhance your economic well-being.