Baripada: In a tragic incident, a woman, who was blessed with quadruplets at the Pandit Raghunath Murmu Medical College & Hospital on Tuesday here, returned to the home with empty hand and tears as all her four babies died in the hospital.

The mother and her newborns were stated to be normal. However, the babies died one after another by 1.00 pm on Wednesday.

According to reports, as the babies were born too early, before 37 weeks, they were undergoing treatment in Sick Newborn Care Unit (SNCU). The premature babies weighed around 680 gm, 580 gm, 730 gm and 900 gm respectively.

While two babies died late night on Tuesday, one died in the wee hours and the last one breathed last by 1.00 pm yesterday.

Notably, Jhunu Rani Dhal, wife of Uttam Dhal of Shingada village under Shulipada block in Mayurbhanj district was seven months pregnant. She was admitted to the Pandit Raghunath Murmu Medical College & Hospital where she gave birth to triplets (all are girls) at around 1.18 pm on Tuesday and one single child, which was a boy.

Shockingly, the delivery was normal and both the mother and her babies were in normal condition following delivery.