Virgo: Certain physical changes you make today will undoubtedly enhance your appearance. While your finances may slip through your fingers, your lucky stars will continue to keep the money flowing. When you feel lonely, don't hesitate to seek the support of your family; it can shield you from depression and aid in making wise decisions. Your love life is poised to bring something truly amazing today. Unfortunately, an important project you've been diligently working on for a while is facing delays. You may choose to spend an evening with an office colleague, but in the end, you might not find it very satisfying and consider it a bit of a waste. There is a possibility of strains in the love between you and your spouse. It's crucial to communicate and resolve differences; otherwise, things may worsen.

Lucky Colour: Maroon.

Auspicious Time: 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm.

Remedy: To benefit your business, immerse a combination of revadi (sesame seeds and sugar) in running water.