AI is important but there is something unnatural about the way every business is feeling pressurised to embrace it like a blind spot for success in terms of achieving an immediate enhancement of 'productivity' and 'return on investment'. When the Information Technology revolution appeared on the scene in 1991, the world transitioned from the Industrial Age to the Information Age and a new level of globalisation set in because of instant communications that could be made across geographical frontiers and the advent of a level of competitiveness that had not been encountered earlier. Businesses got new opportunities for reaching out to customers and prospects of diversification, mergers and acquisitions multiplied. With the advent of AI, it became possible to analyse a large amount of data that was humanly impossible to examine earlier. Also, 'machine learning' could be used for improving 'processes' and making transactions cost-effective in terms of time utilisation, which would boost 'productivity' and consequently enhance 'profitability'. There is literally a transformation of the Age of Information into the Age of Intelligence because AI does add to the ability of business houses to have a peep into the future and read the 'risks and opportunities' ahead of others.