115 fire points detected at Odisha’s Similipal till April 20, says Forest department

Bhubaneswar: Altogether 115 fire points were reported from Similipal National Park and Tiger Reserve in Odisha’s Mayurbhanj district till April 20 (yesterday) this year, revealed the Forest department today.

All these fire points were extinguished by the employees of the Forest department, claimed Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) Susanta Nanda.

The PCCF (Wildlife) further claimed that the fire points at Similipal were detected and extinguished in time and they could not cause any damage to the flora and fauna.

“Till yesterday, Similipal sanctuary had received fire alerts for 115 points this year and all were extinguished by our green soldiers in time before it could cause any damage in scorching heat,” said the PCCF (Wildlife) in a Twitter (X) post today.

Earlier, there were media reports that at least 134 fire points were reported from Similipal in between March 20 and April 20 this year.

The forest fire has caused extensive damage to Similipal and caused troubles for its wildlife, claimed the media reports.

The reports further claimed that many wild animals are straying into human settlements due to the forest fire at Similipal.

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