Sundargarh: In a tragic incident, at least two persons died and seven others sustained critical injuries as a poclain vehicle hit an SUV at Garjanbahal coal mine under Hemgiri police limits in Odisha's Sundargarh district, today.

The deceased were identified as shift-in-charge Jagdish Oram and machine operator Umakant Patel.

According to reports, the accident took place when the victims were returning home in the SUV after completion of their duty hours.

The poclain dashed into the SUV killing the two men on the spot and injuring others grievously. The SUV was completely mangled under the impact of the collision.

The injured ones were rescued and hospitalised immediately. Their condition was stated to be critical.

Tension ran high at the mine after the mishap as workers staged protest demanding compensation for the victims and family members of the deceased.