Kendrapara: In a tragic mishap, two minor siblings were charred to death after a major fire broke out in Rajnagar block of Odisha's Kendrapara district here today. The deceased were identified as Anupama Sahani (11) and her brother Rishi (9), children of Sukant Sahani, a migrant labour.

The incident took place in Balrampur village of Kurunti panchayat within Rajnagar police limits at around 8.30 am.

As per reports, Sukant had gone outside the State to work as migrant labour. On Thursday, his wife Anita was working outside the house  and the two children were inside. All of a sudden, the duo screamed following a loud explosion and fire breaking out. It is suspected that the fire was caused by gas cylinder explosion.

While villagers rushed to the scene and attempted to douse the flames, none could enter the house. Later, charred bodies of the minor siblings were recovered while all other household items were gutted, sources said.

A pall of gloom descended on the village following the incident. Official sources said it is still unclear what caused the fire. Probe is underway.