20 April 2024 Horoscope Today, Rashifal, Lucky Colour, Auspicious Time, Astrological Prediction for Zodiac Signs

Rashifal and Horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces for 20 April 2024, Saturday.

Aries: Excessive worrying can disrupt your mental peace and harm your body. Unexpected guests may arrive at your home today, leading you to spend money on household items earlier than planned. Your spouse and children will offer extra love and care. Be mindful of your spouse’s mood and handle things appropriately. Use your free time to play a game, but stay alert as accidents could occur. Your spouse may not meet your daily needs today, affecting your mood. Avoid investing in unfamiliar stocks without consulting trusted advisors. Remedy: Visit a Shani temple and offer oil and prasad for a romantic boost in your relationship.

Lucky Colour: White.

Auspicious Time: 4 pm to 5 pm.

Taurus: Make sure not to overlook your health needs. Although you may feel inclined to travel and spend money, be cautious as it might not end well. Engaging in social activities with family will bring great joy. Your partner will be like an angel today; cherish the moments together. Be mindful not to get too engrossed in watching TV or using your phone, as you might neglect important tasks. Love in marriage may seem challenging, but today it flows effortlessly for you. You may feel drawn to spirituality, perhaps joining a Yoga camp, reading spiritual books, or listening to a Guru. Remedy: Improve your health by offering black and white blankets at sacred places.

Lucky Colour: Brown.

Auspicious Time: 3 pm to 4 pm.

Gemini: Get involved in creative activities to avoid idleness, which can harm your mental peace. If you’ve been spending money unnecessarily, it’s time to start saving from today. Someone you live with might be quite annoyed by your recent actions. Today, you may be captivated by natural beauty. Your quick problem-solving skills will earn you recognition. Marriage has never felt more wonderful than it does today. Avoid investing in unfamiliar stocks without consulting trusted advisors. Remedy: Offer jasmine oil, vermillion, and silver-foiled Chola to Lord Hanuman for excellent health.

Lucky Colour: Red.

Auspicious Time: 12.15 pm to 1.15 pm.

Cancer: It’s advisable to steer clear of rich, high-cholesterol diets. Real estate investments can be profitable. Work-related stress may consume your thoughts, leaving little time for loved ones. One-sided infatuations typically lead to heartache. Housewives of this zodiac sign can unwind by watching a movie or using their phones after completing household tasks today. There might be challenges in your marriage today. Despite this, your inner calmness will help create a positive atmosphere at home. Remedy: Foster positive family interactions by using cream, white, or pastel-colored bedspreads, covers, and quilts.

Lucky Colour: Pink.

Auspicious Time: 1 pm to 3 pm.

Leo: It’s crucial to rest fully to recharge your body and prevent fatigue from leading to pessimism. There’s a chance of a money-related argument with your spouse, who may express concern about your spending habits and lavish lifestyle. Spending time with friends in the evening can be refreshing. Your smiles may lack meaning, laughter may be silent, and your heart may feel empty without companionship. Take a break from work to spend quality time with your spouse today, although you may feel irritated about grocery shopping. Avoid exaggerating experiences to make them sound more interesting. Remedy: Chant Om Ham Hanumathe Namaha 11 times in the morning for financial growth.

Lucky Colour: Blue.

Auspicious Time: 6 pm to 8 pm.

Virgo: Your health is excellent. Unexpected sources may bring in earnings. Coordinate with your spouse to complete pending household tasks. You might enjoy moments of love today. Approach the day with caution, relying on your mind over emotions. It seems like your spouse will give you special attention. The morning’s bright sunlight will uplift you inside and out today. Remedy: To foster family happiness, extend help to your daughter, aunt (either father’s or mother’s sister), and sister-in-law (spouse’s sister).

Lucky Colour: Red.

Auspicious Time: 5 pm to 6 pm.

Libra: Take a day to unwind and pamper yourself with an oil massage to ease tension in your muscles. This relaxation might inspire you with innovative ideas that could lead to financial success. Although you might face some challenges with family members, don’t let this disrupt your inner peace. Your love life remains strong and unbreakable. Students may be distracted by romantic feelings, which could consume much of their time. Your partner might remind you today that heaven can be found on Earth. The work you do today will be recognized and praised by your superiors, bringing a smile to your face.

Remedy: For a boost in family happiness, consider applying white sandalwood paste as a mark on your forehead or navel.

Lucky Colour: Avoid Black.

Auspicious Time: 7 pm to 8 pm.

Scorpio: Today, you’re feeling calm and ready to enjoy yourself. Your understanding of the importance of money will guide you to save today, which could help you overcome any major challenges in the future. Avoid making snap judgments about others’ intentions—they may be under stress and could use your empathy and support. Your significant other will be in a romantic mood, so take time to connect. Try to approach situations with clarity, so you don’t waste your free time overthinking different scenarios. Today promises to be one of the best days of your life with your spouse, as you set aside worries and let your creativity flow.

Remedy: For enhanced happiness and unity in the family, you might consider taking a square piece of copper, applying saffron to it, wrapping it in a red cloth, and burying it in a secluded spot at sunrise.

Lucky Colour: Yellow.

Auspicious Time: After 3 pm.

Sagittarius: Today, taking time to rest is important, especially since you’ve been under a lot of mental stress lately. Recreation and entertainment can help you unwind. Although your expenses may be on the rise, an increase in income should help you manage your bills. Your patience might be limited today, so choose your words carefully to avoid upsetting others. Love is on the horizon as Cupid brings romance your way. Stay mindful of your surroundings. Even with a busy schedule, you’ll find time for yourself today. You can engage in something creative during your spare time. After a challenging period, you may find paradise in the company of your spouse today. Meeting a charming stranger during a trip could lead to positive experiences.

Remedy: For financial success, consider applying a mark of white sandalwood paste on your forehead.

Lucky Colour: Light Blue.

Auspicious Time: 3.15 pm to 4 pm.

Capricorn: Your remarkable intellectual abilities will empower you to overcome any challenges you may face. Maintaining positive thoughts is key to combating these obstacles. Leverage your creative ideas to generate some extra income. Despite your efforts to please those you live with, they may not respond with the same enthusiasm. Brighten your lover’s day with a warm smile. You’ll manage to carve out time for yourself amid your busy schedule as you finish important tasks, though you may not be able to use the time exactly as you’d like. Today, you might rediscover your love for your spouse. If you have a melodious voice, consider singing a song for your partner to bring them joy.

Remedy: For greater family happiness, plant red roses and nurture them.

Lucky Colour: Off-White.

Auspicious Time: 4 pm to 5 pm.

Aquarius: Fear may dampen your happiness. Remember that fear often stems from our own thoughts and imagination. It stifles spontaneity, diminishes the joy of life, and hinders our productivity, so it’s best to address it before it takes root. A friend may ask you for a significant loan today; helping them could leave you financially strained. Love, companionship, and bonding are on the rise. If you plan to spend time with your partner, be mindful of your attire; not dressing appropriately could upset them. Some may face hectic and stressful unexpected travel today. Your plans might be disrupted by your spouse’s urgent work, but in the end, you may see the situation as beneficial. What a day—filled with movies, parties, and socializing with friends.

Remedy: To keep your body healthy and your mind clear, consider practicing breathing exercises (Pranayama) each morning.

Lucky Colour: Purple.

Auspicious Time: 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm.

Pisces: You will stay very active and energetic today, with excellent support from your health. Monetary transactions will be a part of your day, and by evening, you should have saved a satisfactory amount. Friends and family will offer their support and encouragement. Your beloved will bring you great romantic joy, even though work pressures may be on your mind. It’s a positive day that allows you to find quality time for yourself. You’ll gain a greater appreciation for the joys of a happy married life today. At some point, you may contemplate distancing yourself from everyone and perhaps even considering a spiritual path.

Remedy: To steer clear of negative thoughts, show respect to saints and scholars.

Lucky Colour: Sea Green.

Auspicious Time: 2.15 pm to 4 pm.

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