Bhubaneswar: The State Vigilance raided the houses and places associated with Additional Civil Supplies Officer of Nuapada district, Ratnakar Sethy on basis of allegation of possession of assets disproportionate to the known sources of income.

The simultaneous house searches were conducted at six places of Sethy by six team of the State Vigilance on the strength of search warrants issued by the Court of Special Judge, Vigilance, Cuttack.

Four storeyed building at Chauliaganj in Cuttack, residential double-storeyed building at Balisahi in Cuttack, triple-storeyed building (Kalyan Mandap) named Natraj Palace at Balisahi in Cuttack, a farm house at Oranda in Cuttack, rented residential house at Revenue Colony, Nuapada, and office room at Civil Supplies Office, Nuapada.

Also, insurance deposits worth Rs1.17 crore, four plots including three plots at Chauliaganj and one plot at Balisahi in Cuttack town, bank deposits including fixed deposits in the name of Sethy and his family members worth Rs 89,24,081 and gold ornaments weighing 500 gms and silver ornaments weighing 2.55 kg worth Rs 20,94,000 and household articles worth Rs 16,54,900, three two wheelers were found to be owned by Sethy.

Official sources said a total of Rs 6.73 crore cash, immovable and movable properties have been unearthed during the house search so far. Further searches are on.