Aries: The presence of Moon in Gemini will make you feel confused while dealing with several issues in your life today. People around you will negatively affect you. However, you will remain high on energy. You will gain financially today. You will receive good news from distant relatives. Always keep smiling. Remember! Your smile is the best antidote for happiness of your beloved. You need to focus on your projects to get good results at workplace. Your spouse will take you to your past days of love and romance.

Lucky Colour: Red.
Auspicious Time: 11 am to 12 noon.
Remedy: Chant अर्धकायं महावीर्यं चन्द्रादित्यविमर्दनम्। सिहिंकागर्भसम्भूतम तं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम।। (Ardhakaayam Mahaaveeryam, Chandraaditya Vimardanam; Simhika Garbha Sambootham, Tam Rahum Pranamaamyaham) 11 times to enrich professional life.