Aries: Avoiding conflicts is crucial as they can exacerbate your illness. You might find yourself spending a significant amount today on small household items, which could lead to increased mental stress. Consider dedicating your free time to enjoy the company of children, even if it requires some extra effort. Your partner today may be more focused on expressing their thoughts rather than listening to you, which might leave you feeling upset. Seek out experienced individuals and learn from their wisdom. After finishing your household chores, individuals of this zodiac sign who are homemakers can unwind by watching a movie on TV or engaging with their mobile phones. Your spouse will be willing to lend you a sympathetic ear.
Lucky Colour: Maroon.
Auspicious Time: 11.30 am to 12.30 pm.
Remedy: To improve your financial situation, wear a one-mukhi (faced) Rudraksha bead on a white thread.