Patnagarh: Some of the accountholders of Utkal Grameen Bank, Patnagarh branch in Bolangir district on Saturday were left spell-bound when they found that lakhs of money have been credited to their account. Some accountholders who did not have even the required balance withdrew cash from Mini ATM in Sialbandha village.

“I withdrew Rs 10,000 from the mini ATM. But within few minutes my account got credited Rs 10,000,” said a villager.

Long queues were seen outside the three mini ATMs in the village. As money was being credited to the bank accounts of villagers, they were very happy.

Due to the bank holidays on today and tomorrow, comments from a bank official could not be obtained on the matter. Once the bank reopens on Monday, details of the matter will be known.

On the other hand, experts suspect that the money credited into accounts of those not having sufficient balance could be a glitch in the bank’s server.