Cancer: Avoid meddling in your wife's affairs, as it will only invite her anger. It's better to mind your own business and minimize interference to prevent creating dependency. The money you have saved for a long time may be needed today, but spending it could dampen your spirits. Friends and relatives may demand more of your attention, but this is the perfect time to close the doors to the world and indulge yourself. Your beloved will make efforts to keep you happy, making it a wonderful day. Take some time for self-reflection and evaluate your shortcomings to bring about positive changes in your personality. Your marriage will be at its best today. You might go shopping with your family, but be prepared to feel tired afterward.
Lucky Colour: Red.
Auspicious Time: Before 4.30 pm.
As a remedy for good health, keep a container filled with milk near your bedside at night and empty it over the nearest tree the next morning.