Cuttack/Paradip: Separate teams of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officials from New Delhi carried out simultaneous raids early morning today at different places, including the residence and office, linked to industrialist Mahimananda Mishra aka Mahima Mishra in Odisha.

The officials of the investigating agency remained tight-lipped about the simultaneous raids conducted here. Though an official did not divulge much details, he said that raids were conducted in connection with a case registered in Delhi.

According to a source, searches were conducted at Mishra’s residence in Odia Bazaar, office in Link Road locality of Cuttack city. Besides, searches were also conducted at office of Orissa Stevedores Limited (OSL) in Badapadia locality of Paradip town.

CBI sleuths also quizzed Chief Mechanical Engineer of Paradip Port Saroj Kumar Das and a contractor Sumant Rout at The 100 Millions (guest house of the port) in connection with the case.

It is pertinent to mention here that, earlier, court had rejected Mishra’s bail plea in Mahendra Swain murder case. In November 2018, the Supreme Court had also turned down his application in the same case.

Subsequently on September 18, 2018, the apex court had rejected the bail granted by Orissa High Court and ordered to take him into custody.

Previously, the High Court had granted bail to Mishra in connection with two cases of attempt to murder pending against him in Cuttack and Paradip.

Industrialist Mishra was arrested from Bangkok in December 2016 for allegedly masterminding the murder of Mahendra Swain, a top executive of Hyderabad-based stevedoring company Seaways Shipping and Logistics Limited (SSLL), in broad daylight on October 26, 2016, in Paradip.

Subsequently, two cases of attempt to murder were lodged against him in Cuttack and Paradip.