By Renu Singh Parmar

“Our world is a dream within a dream; you must realize that to find God is the only goal, the only purpose for which you are here.” --- Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

The beloved Guru, Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda, often expressed that the highest purpose of human life is to seek God. Everything else can wait but one’s search for God.

Yoganandaji was born Mukund Lal Ghosh to devout Bengali parents, Gyan Prabha, and Bhagbati Charan Ghosh, on 5th January 1893 in Gorakhpur. When Gyan Prabha visited her Guru, Lahiri Mahasaya, with baby Mukund in her arms, the great saint had blessed her, saying, “Little mother thy son will be a yogi. As a spiritual engine, he will carry many souls to God’s kingdom.”  The sacred prophecy was to come true in times to come.

As a child, Mukund would pray deeply to Ma Kaali and meditate. On one such occasion, he fell into a deep reverie and saw an immense flash of light in his inner vision. As he marvelled at the supernal light, he queried, “What is this wondrous glow?” to which he received a heavenly response, “I am Ishwar, I am Light.” On this other-worldly experience, Yoganandaji wrote in his autobiography, “Out of the slow dwindling of my divine ecstasy, I salvaged a permanent legacy of inspiration to seek God.” 

In 1910, at seventeen, he embarked on a spiritual journey in search of God. This quest led him to his revered guru, Swami Yukteswarji. Under his guru’s loving yet strict guidance, he embraced the sacred monkhood of the Swami order, adopting the name Paramahansa Yogananda, which signifies the attainment of the highest bliss through union with God.

In 1917, he founded the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India (YSS) in Ranchi and the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) in Los Angeles in 1920. The primary aim of these two organizations is to disseminate the ancient spiritual science of  ‘Kriya Yoga’ meditation techniques, to realize life’s ultimate purpose - the union of the soul with God. Aspirants can receive these sacred teachings, written by the great master himself, as home-study lessons upon request from the YSS Ashrams.

While in the USA, Yoganandaji worked tirelessly to spread the wisdom of the above Indian spiritual practices, which were very well received and appreciated. Driven by a longing to share his quest for God, he undertook to write the highly acclaimed spiritual masterpiece, ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ a book that has had a deep impact on countless individuals around the globe and has been translated into over 50 languages.

His extensive teachings have profoundly influenced millions of people, and cover a wide range of subjects, focusing especially on: 1) The science of ‘Kriya Yoga’ meditation, which is an advanced Raja Yoga technique, drawing human consciousness to higher levels of perception. 2) The deep-rooted unity present in all true religions. 3) Ways to achieve a balanced life encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

The respected Jagadguru is now recognized as one of the most impactful ambassadors of India’s ancient teachings worldwide. His life and teachings serve as an everlasting wellspring of inspiration and motivation for people from all walks of life, regardless of their race, culture, or beliefs. For further info.: