Patnagarh: Couple of weeks after imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh on a wholesaler in Patnagarh town of Balangir district for allegedly black marketing, the Commerce and Sales Tax Department today fined another wholesaler with Rs 1.30 lakh for similar irregularities.

As per reports, officials of the Commerce and Sales Tax Department raided Rahul Enterprises in Patnagarh town and asked trader Rahul Jain to produce necessary documents. When the officials found the documents not proper after scrutiny, a fine of Rs 1.30 lakh was imposed on the trader.

Earlier, on May 16, the Commerce and Sales Tax department raided Maa Laxmi Kirana Store in the town and found trader Sajjan Agarwal’s involvement in alleged salt black marketing.

Based on a report submitted by the local Tahsildar to the Patnagarh Sub Collector, the district administration wrote to the Commerce Tax and GST Deputy Commissioner to search the premises of the two stores and scrutiny the documents.