Bhubaneswar: Vigilance officials have so far traced assets worth over Rs 3.79 crore, including 1.5 kg gold, belonging to Biranchi Narayan Sahoo, Private Secretary to Member, Odisha Staff Selection Commission, Bhubaneswar, reports said.

The Vigilance sleuths today raided multiple places in connection with allegation against Sahoo regarding possession of assets disproportionate to his known sources of income.

Simultaneous house searches were carried out at 6 places in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. As many as 3 teams comprising 4 DSPs ,13 Inspectors and other staffers conducted the raids.

Two double-storeyed buildings at Niladri Vihar, Bhubaneswar, two single-storeyed buildings at Bhakti Vihar, Bhubaneswar and Godibandha, Cuttack, 14 plots in Bhubaneswar, Khordha and Puri, a four wheeler, 2 two wheelers, insurance deposits worth over Rs 56 lakh, Rs 12 lakh cash from his house, Rs 13 lakh from his relative's house, gold ornaments weighing around 1.5 kg worth over Rs 60 lakh have been unearthed, so far, Vigilance sources said.

Bank slips indicating huge cash deposits in bank accounts have also been recovered. Recruitment-related applicant admit cards and such other incriminating documents have also been recovered during the searches. Further searches and verifications were underway, sources added.