Bhubaneswar: A Data Entry Operator working at the office Balianta Tehsildar was caught red-handed by Vigilance officials here while he was demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 1,20,000 from a person for conversion of land.
As per the complaint lodged by Kailash Rath of Sastrinagar under Kharavela Nagar police station, Data Entry Operator Dhaneswar Sahoo had demanded the bribe for conversion of his land in a OLR case. The accused had stated that he will hand over the cash to Tehsildar Rashmi Rekha Pradhan.
However, a trap was laid and Vigilance officials of Bhubaneswar Division caught him red-handed. The bribe amount was also recovered from Sahoo.
Later, the Vigilance officials conducted a raid on the houses of the Data Entry Operator and the Tehsildar. A case was also registered at Vigilance police station here in this connection. Both of them were being interrogated at Vigilance office till the last report was filed.