Varanasi (UP): In a shocking incident, a 27-year-old woman named Pallavi and her sister Vaishvik (18) were found living with the decomposed body of their mother Usha Tiwari (52), who had died almost a year ago on December 8, 2022, in a house in the Maderva Chittupur area under the Lanka police station in Varanasi.
The incident came to light when the local police cops broke into the house after getting no response from inside on Wednesday.
The Inspector of Lanka police station, Shivkant Mishra, said the decayed body of the woman has been sent for postmortem.
During initial investigation, the police did not found any criminal angle in this episode.
Usha’s daughters informed the police that she had died on December 8, 2022 due to illness.
However, they did not respond when asked why they avoided informing the police. On keeping the body inside their home, the daughters said they had no money or other resources.
The police also said that the daughters were not mentally stable.
On being asked how they managed despite foul smell, the duo said that they used to cover the body and go on the roof of the house to consume food.
The girls did not inform any of their relatives either.
When one of the relatives informed the police that no one is opening the door of the house, the cops swung into action late on Wednesday afternoon.
The door was broken amidst videography. When the cops entered the house, the decayed body of Usha was found lying in one room while both the girls were sitting in another room.
When the police asked about educational qualification of the girls, Pallavi said she has a master’s degree while her younger sister was studying in Class 10.
Their father, who lives in Ballia, had not come to meet them for the past two years.