Don’t despair; There is Light at the end of the Tunnel !

By Priyanka Mohanty *

We treasure forever our days in high school and college because they are easily the most exciting and fun filled days in our lives. We study hard to graduate with good marks, make friends, fall and rise in love, trust and get hurt too – learning and experiencing the myriad lessons of life along the way.

job hunting

After all these ups and downs comes that most important day of college life: the Graduation Day! Some of us graduate with flying colours; others barely manage to scrape through. But all of us set our foot on the next big thing in life: jobs.

Many of us start hunting for jobs post our graduation while some go for higher studies. We join the race for jobs to ‘settle down’ in life. We go for interviews, exams and exhaust ourselves in order to get a piece of the cake in this competitive world. But not everyone succeeds. Even after months and years of exams and interviews, some of us still remain unemployed.

Depression is the inevitable fall-out for those who miss out on jobs. When there is a reunion of high school and college mates, we get to hear from our friends that A is doing this and B has landed with such and such company. We feel left out, but force ourselves into a fake smile and congratulate them. But somewhere in the background comes the question; “Am I the only one left out?”

It leaves us even more depressed. What makes it worse is that relatives take too much interest in our lives around this time. Unable to take all this pressure, we give up on social gatherings and try to keep to ourselves as much as possible.

But is it the right way, my friends? Certainly not.

This depression leads to nothing that is productive; rather we decelerate on the road to progress. Despite all these hurdles, throwing in the towel is simply not an option. We should do the best and take up the one thing in which we can make use of what we have. Remember the story about ants? “Try, try again”. Yes, this should be our motto in life. Everything happens at its right time. We should let go of the past and start afresh and give our cent per cent to achieve our goal. And one fine day, our stars will shine too. And that fine day, everybody’s lips will get zipped up. When unzipped, it will only be to praise us! So enjoy your post graduation days, make mistakes and learn from them, and never ever give up. You will definitely make it up to your dreams. Good luck!


* Priyanka Mohanty is a Chemistry graduate from Ravenshaw University, Cuttack


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