Bhubaneswar: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached movable as well as immovable assets worth around Rs 11.35 crore of former Odisha State Police Housing and Welfare Corporation (OPHWC) Deputy Manager Pratap Kumar Samal under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002.
Samal was arrested by the Vigilance department on charges of amassing disproportionate assets on November 10, 2021.
The Vigilance sleuths had traced movable and immovable assets worth over Rs 14.87 crore from the possession of Samal during a raid on his residence and office on November 9, 2021.
The value of Samal’s disproportionate assets was estimated to be around 1,000 per cent more than his known sources of income, sources said.
Samal’s assets were said to be one of the highest disproportionate wealth unearthed by the Vigilance department in Odisha.
Samal had completed his diploma in Civil Engineering from Bhadrak in 1987 and he had joined the OPHWC as junior engineer the next year.
He was promoted to the rank of Deputy Manager at the office of OPHWC in Bhubaneswar in 2019.
Samal was given compulsory retirement by the state government on November 18, 2021, sources said.