Sundargarh: In a tragic incident, an elephant broke into a house in Balijhudi village of Odisha’s Sundargarh district on Wednesday night, killing a pregnant woman and her 8-year-old son.
The deceased were identified as Sukanti and her son Sukant.
Three other children of the woman were also injured in the incident. The injured were rescued by villagers and have been admitted to Rourkela General Hospital for treatment.
According to reports, Sukanti was four months pregnant. The elephant, which had strayed from the Barsuan forest range of Koida, knocked down the house while the family was sleeping. Sukanti and her son lost their lives on the spot, while the three other children narrowly escaped with injuries.
The father of the children is reportedly working as a labourer in Bengaluru.
A pall of gloom descended on the village after the incident.