Bhubaneswar: Odisha Vigilance officials today found a mammoth 1.5 kg of gold ornaments among other assets worth crores of rupees in possession of Tara Prasad Mishra, former Chief Engineer, Roads & Building (Civil), Odisha while raiding various places in connection with allegation against him regarding amassing properties disproportionate to his known sources of income.

As many as 10 high-value flats in Bhubaneswar and Jharsuguda, 7 plots in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Jatani, bank deposits of over Rs 2.7 crore, cash of over Rs 6 lakh, two luxury cars including a Mercedes Benz, branded wrist watches including a Rolex, etc. in the name of Mishra and his family members were unearthed by officers of the anti-corruption agency.

The officers also found foreign currencies of USA, Thailand, Vietnam, UAE, Canada, Mexico, Malaysia and Singapore. This apart, it came to fore that Mishra has spent Rs 80 lakh on his daughter's medical course education.

The measurement and valuation/ assessment of the flats/ plots were being carried out by the Vigilance Technical Wing.

Till last reports came in, the searches were underway, and calculation of the total value of his movable and immovable properties was yet to be completed.