‘Bhulekh Odisha’ is a part of the Digital India Land Records Modernisation Inititiative implemented by the Government. Under this programme, the Government aims to achieve complete digitization of all the land records. In the year 2008, Odisha successfully made all the land records digital and accessible to the general public through the Bhulekh Odisha website.

bhulekh Odisha

Image Source - Vakil Search

Using the website, the citizens can get access to information such as:

  • Record of Rights Statements,
  • Tahasil Information,
  • State Statistics and
  • The Bhu Naksha

Before discussing the technicalities of checking land records on the Bhulekh Odisha website, let us talk about why maintaining land records is so important.

Do you know that land worth 20,000 crores is under dispute because the records are vague? When there are no official statements stating rights, anybody and everybody gets a chance to claim a piece of land as theirs. While a piece of land or a real estate property is under dispute, one cannot make any transactions on those. A large number of funds are hoarded and stuck as a result. The establishment of correctly stated land records can help in solving such disputes. 

Do you want to check the land records for a particular piece of land? Here’s how you can do that using the Bhulekh Odisha Website:

  • Go to the official ‘Bhulekh Odisha’ website: http://bhulekh.ori.nic.in/
  • Under the select location for ROR (Record of Rights) section,

Choose the following details from the options given to you.

  •  District: Select the district you want to check the records for,
  • Tahasil: Select a Tahasil from the given options.
  •  Village: Select the name of the village you want to check the records for.
  • RI Circle: Select the RI Circle option.

After entering the following details, you will need to complete the verification by selecting from the options ‘Khatiyan’, ‘Plot,’ or ‘Tenant.’

  • When you have selected an option, the website will show a drop-down menu.
  • Provide an accurate value regarding the selected option. 
  • Click on ‘ROR Back Page,’ and the land records will be displayed for you.

After you have access to the Land Records, if you wish to download them, you will need to:

  • Click on the ‘RoR Back’ and ‘RoR Front’ page.
  • After the land record page is generated, click on ‘Print’ and save the file as a PDF file.

That’s all about it! You can follow these simple steps now to access land records using the Bhulekh Odisha website.