Bhubaneswar: Be it Artificial Intelligence (AI) or ChatGPT, it is a process of educating or teaching machines, said Odisha Electronics & Information Technology Principal Secretary Manoj Kumar Mishra.
Attending a workshop on ‘ChatGPT & AI Tools’ organised by ICC National Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee (INWEC) on virtual mode on Monday evening, he said that the process of playing a game on computer can also be a part of the AI. But, now this AI is making its position in the society in a more effective manner.
Priyadarshi Pany, CEO, CSM Technologies, who was one of the guests, said, "We have been using Google for more than two decades. Now, the use of AI has started. It's a bit different from Google. In AI, we can find the same answer in a more readable manner. This technology will become more widespread in coming days."
INWEC Convenor Tanaya Patnaik, the Executive Director of 'Sambad Group', delivered the welcome address at the event. She said that this workshop will be a great help to the members of INWEC.
"If you do not know the use of technology, there is a fear of it. But knowing the usage makes it easier for us to do it," she said adding that the workshop was first organised for women members, but in view of interest of others, it has been opened to all. Various such programmes will be held for women entrepreneurs in the future as well.
Tech expert Shreya Bajaj Shah discussed the AI and usage of ChatGPT in business in details. She explained on how ChatGPT can be used in daily life as well.
She also highlighted how chat GPT can help us in the business through examples. She also discussed various pros and cons of the ChatGPT and its limitations. She also talked about other AI tools like Google Bard and AI-powered Microsoft Bing and Edge during the webinar.
More than 100 invitees had participated in the event.