Nayagarh: A junior engineer reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan of his room in Daspalla of Nayagarh district today. As per reports, the junior engineer, identified as Debadatta Swain was working at the Daspalla Electricity Office.
He was staying along with technician Debendra Sahu at a rented house in front of the Barapurikia school.
Sahu left the house for office at around 9 am today whereas Swain was getting ready for the workplace. But when Swain did not reach office by 11.30 am, his colleagues got worried and called him up on his mobile phone. After no one picked up the calls, Swain’s roommate and colleagues reached his room and knocked the door that was locked from inside.
Later Sahu lodged a written police complaint following which the police reached the spot and broke open the door. They found the body of the junior engineer hanging from the ceiling fan and seized it.
A police official said Sahu’s mobile phone and some other belongings have been seized and investigation is underway into the case.