Mumbai: Actor Gulshan Devaiah, who is currently gearing up for his upcoming OTT series 'Duranga', has shared that it's imperative for actors to first understand their characters and let the characters' traits naturally precipitate in their mannerisms, and not rush to do the job without any preparations.
Elaborating on the same, the actor said, "Everything is difficult if you don't spend enough time to figure it out and understand it."
That's the reason he didn't find it difficult to make his way around his character in 'Duranga'.
"It wasn't difficult at all once I had enough preparation. Whether it worked remains to be seen," he said.
Directed by Pradeep Sarkar and Aijaz Khan, 'Duranga' is an adaptation of a Korean show, 'Flower of Evil'.
When asked what the show offers in terms of novelty since it's an adaptation of an already existing show, Gulshan said, "Ours is an adaptation and it's been localised to the sensibilities of our sub-continental cultures. So the plot points may be similar, but the feel and experience will be different."
Talking about his experience of working with the show directors, he said, "It was my first experience with both Pradeep Sarkar and Aijaz Khan. They both have different styles of working/approaching a scene. It took a little while to understand and adapt."
Gulshan concluded by noting: "Pradeep sir is a very senior and eminent filmmaker, so it was great to get to work with the director of the wonderful film 'Parineeta'. I got along well with both and it was a very smooth and enjoyable experience."
'Duranga' is set to stream on OTT platform ZEE5 from August 19.