Bhubaneswar: While the visit of former 5T Chairman VK Pandian to various districts in Odisha before the elections had raised eyebrows, an RTI reply has revealed that Rs 3 crore was sanctioned for his single visit to Keonjhar district during the Nua-O Fest event.

The amount was sanctioned by the Sports & Youth Services Department.

As per the reply by the district administration, Rs 583275 was paid for the supply of stationery, I-cards, banners, standy, vehicle passes, sun board, etc., Rs 234000 for the supply of trophies for district and sub-divisional level Nua-O fest competition, Rs 513000 for audio-visual documentation, Rs 58000 for photo documentation, Rs 8719 for electricity supply, Rs 57593 for installation of 50 MBPS ILL (1:1) for live streaming of Nua-O Fest, Rs 4925145 for food arrangement, and Rs 5000 for supply of fire radiant solution spray.

The reply further revealed that Rs 513000 was paid for video documentation and social media reels of the event.

For the construction of a helipad in Keonjhar, Rs 514981 was sanctioned in favour of SE, R & B Division, Keonjhar, the RTI reply added.

Also read: FIR filed against former Odisha CM's aide VK Pandian over his chopper rides