Bhubaneswar: Mentioning that the anti-naxal operation will be intensified in the coming days, the Odisha Police Director General, YB Khurania said the naxal menace will be wiped out from the State by March 2026.

Following a meeting with the Superintendents of Police of naxal-affected districts, the DGP said the Odisha Police will successfully destroy Maoist hideouts and their activities by March 2026. DIGs and IGs of different police ranges were also present during the discussion.

The DGP added the Home Minister has given the deadline to the police.

Khurania added the ground situation in the affected districts have been assessed and the issues will be resolved at the earliest. 

Highlighting the Odisha Police’s achievement in anti-naxal operations and the national recognition for the success, the DGP said the Odisha Police will continue to do the good work.