Police said apart from Jahir, the Madrasa Principal Arifeen is also reportedly from Odisha. He had rented the room to mastermind Jahir, in return of a share in profit. Jahir used to pay Rs 100 for supplying three fake 100-rupee notes.The gang was operating from a room in the madrasa over the last three to four months. At least 1,300 fake 100 rupee notes have been seized among other incriminating items during the search, they said. 

Police also recovered a book comparing the RSS with a terrorist organisation from the madrasa. It is suspected that the madrasa's cleric, Mohammad Tafseerul Arifeen was using the book titled "RSS: The Biggest Terrorist Organization in the Country" by SM Musharraf, to instill anti-RSS sentiments in the minds of children.