Balangir: In yet another case of ragging, as many as nine minor boys were allegedly harassed and beaten up by over 15 Plus Two students in a residential government school in Puintala block of Odisha's Balangir district. The incident took place at Ekalavya Model Residential School in Dumerbahal.
As per reports, nine boys from Class 7 and Class 8 were summoned by 15 Plus Two students to their hostel room where the latter allegedly beat them up and subjected them to physical and mental torture.
Though the incident took place on January 31, it came to light after the students shared the ordeal with their parents and a written complaint was filed with Puintala police.
On getting information, Balangir ADM and SDPO reached the spota and started investigation. Families of the victim students claimed that the hostel warden was informed about the incident. So were the teachers, but they took the matter lightly which compelled the families to reach out to the police.
Offficial sources said the accused boys along with school and hostel authorities are being interrogated in this connection.
The rising number of such cases has raised serious concerns on the sfaety of students across educational institutions.