Nayagarh: In a bizarre incident, a mentally retarded man allegedly killed two persons and injured more than ten others by hurling stones at them in Odagaon bazaar of Odisha's Nayagarh district today.

The accused suddenly started attacking the locals early this morning with stick and stones killing one of them on the spot. A woman sustained critical injuries in the attack and was rushed to hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries.

The deceased have been identified as Trilochan Sethi, a security guard, and Madani Pradhan, an elderly woman.

On being informed about the attack, a police team led by Odagaon police station IIC reached the spot. Unfortunately, the official and a woman constable were injured as the mentally retarded man hurled stones at them as well.

Following the incident, irate locals blocked the Odagaon road and demanded compensation.

An operation has been launched to nab the accused. Till last reports came in, he was yet to be arrested.