Gemini: Your quick actions will inspire and energize you. To achieve success, adapt your ideas with time—this will expand your perspective, enhance your personality, and enrich your mind. Avoid lending money today to relatives who have yet to repay previous loans. Spend quality time pursuing hobbies and assisting family members. Keep your romantic thoughts private. Admitting your mistakes at work will work in your favour, but reflect on how to improve and ensure you don't repeat them. Offer a sincere apology to those you've wronged—mistakes are human, but repeating them is unwise. This is a great time to test new ideas. If you let others, apart from your spouse, take undue control of your decisions, it may lead to friction in your relationship. Remedy: Accept rice and silver from your mother and keep them in your home to boost your financial well-being.

Lucky Colour: Orange.

Auspicious Time: 7 pm to 8 pm.