Gemini: Avoid long journeys today, as you may not be physically strong enough for travel. Be cautious with your finances and refrain from lending money to relatives who have yet to repay previous loans. Support from your sister will uplift you, but try to stay calm and avoid getting irritated over minor issues, as it could work against your interests. You may find yourself reminiscing about a dear friend in their absence. At work, those who have been creating obstacles in your path may face setbacks today. After office hours, engaging in your favorite hobbies will help you relax and unwind. Your spouse may have a delightful surprise in store for you, making the day even more special. Remedy: Bury black kohl (kajal) in a deserted place to promote better health.

Lucky Colour: Orange. 

Auspicious Time: 2 pm to 2.30 pm.