Gemini: If you've been neglecting proper rest, you'll feel exhausted and need extra downtime today. Monetary transactions will be frequent, but by the end of the day, you'll manage to save a decent amount. You might receive unexpected gifts or presents from friends and relatives, adding a pleasant surprise to your day. However, your partner may be upset about one of your habits, so be mindful of their feelings. Stay alert during interactions with important people—you might gain valuable insights. Although you plan to indulge in your favourite activities, a busy workload may prevent you from doing so. On the brighter side, you'll have plenty of moments to enjoy the bliss of married life. Remedy: Place a green-coloured glass bottle filled with water in the sunlight, and mix this water with your bath for a disease-free life.
Lucky Colour: White.
Auspicious Time: 10 am to 11:30 am.