Leo: A friend may challenge your open-mindedness and tolerance, so stay true to your values and approach every decision rationally. A new financial deal is likely to be finalized, bringing fresh income your way. Work may feel stressful and exhausting, but spending time with friends will keep your spirits high. Despite some disagreements, your love life will be positive, and you’ll succeed in making your partner happy. You might spend time with a friend, but avoid consuming alcohol, as it’s unproductive and unnecessary. In married life, personal space is essential, but today, you’ll enjoy being especially close to each other—expect sparks of romance! However, if you have children, you might receive a complaint about them, which could leave you feeling upset. Remedy: Place black-and-white marble pieces in plant pots to maintain happiness and enthusiasm.
Lucky Colour: Brown.
Auspicious Time: 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.