Leo: Today is a day to relax and rejuvenate. Consider giving your body a soothing oil massage to relieve muscle tension. However, be cautious as a creditor may approach you for loan repayment. While you might manage to repay, it could lead to financial strain. To avoid such issues, try to steer clear of borrowing in the future. Focus on being considerate and adaptable to your family's needs to maintain harmony. A phone call from your beloved or spouse is likely to brighten your day. You’ll have some free time to socialize or indulge in activities you enjoy most. If you're married, take a moment to appreciate your spouse—they truly are your angel. Today might offer a chance to observe and cherish their love and support. However, you might also face a complaint regarding your children, which could leave you feeling a bit upset. Remedy: Feeding a white rabbit can help improve your financial situation.

Lucky Colour: Blue. 

Auspicious Time: 5 pm to 7 pm.