Scorpio: Avoid unnecessary worry about your health, as it may worsen your condition. An improvement in your financial situation will make it easier to purchase essential items. Steer clear of controversial topics that could lead to arguments with loved ones. Your romantic relationship might take a significant turn today, with your partner possibly bringing up the topic of marriage. Be sure to carefully evaluate all aspects before making a decision. Business partners are likely to be supportive, enabling you to collaborate effectively and complete pending tasks. Prioritizing timely completion of your work and heading home early will benefit you, bringing happiness to your family and leaving you feeling refreshed. After a period of challenges, you and your spouse will rediscover your love for each other. Remedy: Distribute sweets or snacks made from yellow chana dal to those in need for improved health and well-being.

Lucky Colour: Orange. 

Auspicious Time: 9 am to 11.30 am.