Scorpio: Unexpected travel can be exhausting and may leave you feeling frazzled. Soothe your body by massaging it with oil to relieve muscle tension. Put your creative ideas to good use to earn some extra income. If you’re seeking emotional support, your elders are likely to provide the reassurance you need. For those who are deeply connected to love, today brings a special melody that will outshine all worldly songs. This is an excellent day to send out your resume or attend an interview, as the stars are in your favor. You may also find yourself with plenty of free time, perfect for indulging in movies or TV programs. However, be cautious in your interactions with your spouse—tensions might escalate, which could affect your relationship in the long term. Remedy: Seek the blessings of your mother, grandmother, or other older women to promote a healthy and harmonious life.

Lucky Colour: Yellow. 

Auspicious Time: 5 pm to 6 pm.