Scorpio: Your health will flourish as you cherish joyful moments with others. However, remember to take care of it consistently to avoid issues later. Investing in stocks and mutual funds is advised for long-term benefits. Family members might not meet your expectations today. Instead of expecting them to align with your preferences, consider adjusting your approach to foster better harmony. Your charm will work in your favor, but new assignments may not yield the results you anticipate. Be mindful of how you spend your free time—excessive use of your phone or watching TV could irritate your spouse, especially if it takes away from meaningful interaction. On a positive note, your spouse will be brimming with energy and affection, ready to make the day special. Remedy: To enhance happiness in the family, regularly offer water on a Shivling.
Lucky Colour: Beige.
Auspicious Time: 2.15 pm to 3.50 pm.