New type of cyber fraud going on in Odisha Capital; DCP Prateek Singh alerts people

Bhubaneswar: DCP-Bhubaneswar Prateek Singh today alerted people about a new kind of cyber fraud going on in the State Capital for the last few days.

“Stay alert and do not fall prey to the cybercriminals,” the DCP appealed to denizens through a video message posted on his official Twitter handle.

“Cybercriminals are making random calls these days to people on mobile phones, WhatsApp numbers, and any internet-based calling services. Individuals who receive their phone calls are then targeted, mentally harassed, and bullied. The victim is said that there is a parcel in his/her name containing illegal items or narcotics. Even at times, the victim is said that Warrant has been issued in his/her name and he/she would be arrested soon,” the DCP stated divulging the fraudsters’ modus operandi.

“A phone call is then transferred to another man pretending to be a cop. Through video calling on Skype, the targeted individual is frightened, and detailed information on his/her bank deposits and other savings are collected by the tricksters, saying that he/she is under detention. In such cases, victims are usually compelled to act according to their instructions and to transfer money accordingly,” the DCP expressed through the video message.

Such types of ‘digital arrests’ are never done by police. DCP Singh appealed to people never to believe fake callers and, rather, to bring such incidents to the knowledge of cyber police. Alertness could avert any untoward incidents and people can stay safe from cybercrimes, he added.

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