Newborn boy allegedly stolen from hospital SNCU in Odisha’s Balasore; probe initiated

Baliapal: A newborn boy undergoing treatment at a special newborn care unit (SNCU) of the district headquarters hospital (DHH) in Balasore was allegedly stolen by somebody, today. This has raised the eyebrows of many as security provisions have gone for a toss in the government-run health facility.

According to a source, the newborn was previously admitted to the DHH for treatment after he suffered from jaundice two days ago. The baby boy was taken downstairs earlier in the day for some medical purposes. As the newborn’s health condition deteriorated, his mother went to call an on-duty doctor. However, the woman did not find her baby when she returned just after a few minutes.

Later, the woman and her husband lodged an FIR at the local police station in this connection. Acting on which, a team of police reached the hospital and launched a probe to trace the baby boy.

“CCTV installed nearby is not functioning. Video footage could have helped to probe,” the couple said.

Whereabout of the newborn was not known till the time when this report was filed.

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